Tell Your Leadership Story (and Move Forward in Your Career)

Tell Your Leadership Story (and Move Forward in Your Career)

It takes agility to navigate today’s workplace. A time of rapid change demands the willingness to pivot repeatedly. It is no longer the status quo to stay in one role, or even one industry throughout your career. So if you’re feeling like your CV resembles a patchwork quilt, you’re not alone.

But if you want to be considered for high level roles, you must leverage your varied experiences to craft a cohesive leadership narrative that makes it clear to employers what you have to offer.

First you need to understand your leadership brand.

  • What are your personal beliefs and values?
  • What is your approach?
  • What is your leadership style and how does it benefit others?

A personal brand isn't just about selling yourself. It’s about knowing yourself. The function of a brand is to identify, differentiate and articulate your unique approach and contribution.

After you get clear about what kind of leader you are, make sure your resume, cover letter, Linked In profile, and any other platform you use tells a story that matches your brand. Connect the dots for employers.

  • Emphasize the times when you took on leadership responsibilities
  • Highlight professional development and additional credentials you have acquired
  • Clearly demonstrate your initiative, commitment to growth and the ability to facilitate groups

Tell a story about how you have been an emergent leader throughout your career. This could lead to increased opportunities within your current company or facilitate career transitions with upward mobility.

If you are actively seeking career advancement, take daily action toward this goal. Combine every job application with networking and outreach strategies. Match your professional presence to your brand identity and make sure you look and live the part. Take the time to craft an elevator pitch that reflects your purpose, values and principles.

Michele Murphy photoMichele Murphy is the Alumni Career Educator at alumni UBC. For support at every stage of your career development process, visit us on, follow us on Twitter @alumniUBCcareer, and connect with Michele on Linked In.

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